New Contact Details
Please see below for the new email address for the Office (all general and administration enquiries) and the Dispensary (all prescription requests and medication enquiries)
Surgery Email Address is -
Surgery Telephone Number is - 01786 870369
Dispensary Email Address is -
Dispensary Telephone Number is - 01786 870799
Please include your Name, Date of Birth, Address
and as much information as possible when emailing us.
We aim to respond within 4 working days
(not including weekends or public holidays)
Medication can be collected
in 4 working days from submission
Surgery Holidays 2025/2026
The Surgery will be closed on the following dates with NHS24 cover -
18/04/25 Good Friday and 21/04/25 Easter Monday
05/05/25 May Bank Holiday
25/12/25 Christmas Day and 26/12/25 Boxing Day
Organ Donation Changes from 26 March
From 26 March 2021, the law around organ and tissue donation in Scotland is changing to an opt out system.
Organ and tissue donation remains a personal decision and you have a choice. People are encouraged to register their decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register and tell their family and friends as this will make it easier for them to honour their decision.
Here is where you can find out more about the law change and the choices everyone has.
For more information, visit
Medications must be collected from the side window of Kippen Surgery from
11am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
11am to 12 noon on a Wednesday. Surgery closed on a Wednesday afternoon.
Please note we no longer take prescription requests over the telephone. Please either email your medication in or put the request slip into the repeat prescription box at within the Surgery.
Please see our Prescriptions tab or Online Services Quick Link for further information. The dispensary can be contacted directly on 01786 870799 after 11am.